Hi! Welcome to gethelp.GG,
gethelp.GG is geared to helping gamers better understand their own relationship with gaming and also reconfigure habits that have sometimes become unhealthy or even destructive at times (e.g., losing friends, poor self-care).
Gaming is a fascinating thing. It can be extremely fun a times, with a community of friends and dopamine hits going off like crazy throughout a competitive online ranked game or mission, but unfortunately, it can also have negative consequences.
I am a psychotherapist working out of Canada, presenting mental health workshops, managing a peer support community and providing individual counselling sessions. As a an additional goal, I want to give back to the community and provide tools for people to use and implement in their own lives. It will be a slow journey, but I hope to populate this website more and more over the years, so that others can take advantage and hopefully improve their own lives for the better, and make gaming enjoyable again or simply find an alternative that is more balanced for their lifestyle.
Take good care and all the best,